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Dune: Spice Wars

Dune: Spice Wars



achievements (102)

Capture your first village
Greatest HouseGreatest House
Reach 500 Landsraad Standing
Spice AddictSpice Addict
Have 5000 Spice in your stockpile
Water SellerWater Seller
Have at least 100 net water production
Easy WinEasy Win
Win in easy difficulty or more
Desert FighterDesert Fighter
Win in medium difficulty or more
Win in hard difficulty or more
Master of ArrakisMaster of Arrakis
Win in insane difficulty
Honorable DukeHonorable Duke
Win with House Atreides
Dreaded BaronDreaded Baron
Win with House Harkonnen
Cunning CriminalCunning Criminal
Win with the Smugglers
Visionary RebelVisionary Rebel
Win with the Fremen
Regional SpecialtyRegional Specialty
Construct a building that exploits a natural resource
Spice DutySpice Duty
Assign a new crew to a Harvester or to a Harvesting Team
Eliminate a raid targetting you
Urban PlanningUrban Planning
Activate a district bonus
Activate an operation
Control 4 special regions
Destroy another player's base
Full HouseFull House
Build a building in every base slot
Assassinate an enemy leader
Legal BondLegal Bond
Sign a treaty with another faction
Capture a village owned by another faction
Way of the AirWay of the Air
Use a shuttle to transport troops
Water BondWater Bond
Form an alliance with a Sietch
Honor of DutyHonor of Duty
Get elected for a charter
Spy MasterSpy Master
Reach infiltration level 3 in any field of operations
Win with the Dune Governorship charter
Win an Hegemony victory
Win by destroying the base of your last opponent
Win by assassinating your last opponent
First StepFirst Step
Propose a Truce to an opponent and get it accepted
Win by owning more than half of CHOAM Shares
Ruthless EmperorRuthless Emperor
Win with House Corrino
Research all Military Developments
Research all Economic Developments
Research all Political Developments
Research all Expansion Developments
Win against 3 Insane AIs in solo, with Sandworm Activity, Storm Activity, Neutral Difficulty and Contract Difficulty at highest settings and all Victory conditions turned on
Win a game in solo play without a single development researched
Win a game in solo play while having Pariah Standing for at least a month
Win a game in solo play without losing or disbanding a single non-temporary military unit or village
Half a WorldHalf a World
Control at least 30 regions
Successful BetrayalSuccessful Betrayal
Eliminate a faction you have betrayed a truce with in the last 20 days
No Mercy for TraitorsNo Mercy for Traitors
Eliminate a faction that has betrayed a truce with you in the last 20 days
Lawful AggressionLawful Aggression
Use your Influence to end a Truce legally
Disobeying The FormDisobeying The Form
Use Atomics
Underworld EmpireUnderworld Empire
As the Smugglers, own an Underworld Headquarter in every village and Main Base owned by other factions
Total InfiltrationTotal Infiltration
As the Smugglers, have a total of 21 levels of Infiltration
Ichwan BedwineIchwan Bedwine
As the Fremen, get to Ally status with every Sietch
As the Fremen, control 2 Deep Deserts
Squeeze HardSqueeze Hard
As House Harkonnen, produce at least 250 Spice in a single Village
Get it over withGet it over with
As House Harkonnen, sacrifice an agent to assassinate your last opponent
No OffenseNo Offense
As House Atreides, win a game without ever attacking a village
Landsraad's FavoriteLandsraad's Favorite
As House Atreides, have all Charters active at the same time
Playing with OthersPlaying with Others
Finish a multiplayer game (without forfeiting)
Thrill of VictoryThrill of Victory
Win a standard multiplayer game (with at least 1 other player)
Win a Kanly
Empire Strikes BackEmpire Strikes Back
As House Corrino, win a game with at least one of your Imperial Base destroyed
Fully FurnishedFully Furnished
As House Corrino, own at least 12 Main Base Buildings
Prom KingProm King
Get elected to a Resolution with at least 1000 total votes backing you
Peaceful DunePeaceful Dune
Win a game while in a Truce with 3 alive opponents for at least 1 month
One Against AllOne Against All
Win a game while in Conflict with 3 alive opponents for at least 3 months
You Shall Not PassYou Shall Not Pass
Own a village with 8 Heavy Militias and 2 Missile Batteries
Bringing a Spaceship to a Knife FightBringing a Spaceship to a Knife Fight
Recruit a Frigate
One in a millionOne in a million
Destroy a Frigate
Interstellar TransitInterstellar Transit
Build a Spacing Guild Branch
Shiny New GearShiny New Gear
Buy some gear in the Barracks
Ready to RumbleReady to Rumble
Have 10 gear equipped at the same time
Pest ControlPest Control
Destroy a Renegade Base
Guild LackeyGuild Lackey
Have 500 Guild Favors
Have 500 Spaceship Parts
The Duke of CaladanThe Duke of Caladan
Win a conquest with House Atreides
The Baron of Giedi PrimeThe Baron of Giedi Prime
Win a conquest with House Harkonnen
The Emperor of Salusa SecundusThe Emperor of Salusa Secundus
Win a conquest with House Corrino
Siege of ArrakeenSiege of Arrakeen
Eliminate House Atreides in conquest mode
The FortressThe Fortress
Eliminate House Harkonnen in conquest mode
Eliminate House Corrino in conquest mode
Plans within PlansPlans within Plans
Win a conquest mission with a completed secondary objective
Back to SchoolBack to School
Complete a tutorial
Refined ArchduchessRefined Archduchess
Win with House Ecaz
The Archduchess of EcazThe Archduchess of Ecaz
Win a conquest with House Ecaz
The Red ExhibitionThe Red Exhibition
Eliminate House Ecaz in conquest mode
World MuseumWorld Museum
As House Ecaz, have 50 Masterpieces in a single game
Heroic ChampionHeroic Champion
As House Ecaz, have a champion worth 5000 Hegemony
Clever EarlClever Earl
Win with House Vernius
The Earl of IxThe Earl of Ix
Win a conquest with House Vernius
Eliminate House Vernius in conquest mode
With House Vernius, reach 100 Knowledge
Patent TrollPatent Troll
With House Vernius, gain 5000 Solari through Patents in a single game
Choose a Hero
Ghola HeroGhola Hero
Recruit the Ghola of a dead Hero
Hero SlayerHero Slayer
Kill an enemy Hero
A taste of their own medicineA taste of their own medicine
Kill an enemy assassin
Win the game while another player that you helped elect is Dune Governor
The Liberator of DuneThe Liberator of Dune
Win a conquest with The Fremen
The Godfather of ArrakisThe Godfather of Arrakis
Win a conquest with The Smugglers
Kwisatz HaderachKwisatz Haderach
Win a Conquest in less than 4 years
Golden PathGolden Path
Win a Conquest in Insane difficulty
Friendly NativeFriendly Native
Ally the Fremen in Conquest
United PeopleUnited People
Unite the Fremen in Conquest
Corrupted NobilityCorrupted Nobility
Corrupt the Faufreluches in Conquest

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