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Omno Progress

Omnomore about Omno
100.0% complete

21 / 21 🏆
1000 / 1000 points

Pit MasterPit Master
Auqui Pit completed
✅ unlocked at 9/2/2021, 5:09:28 PM
30 Gamerscore
Plateau MasterPlateau Master
Agneya Plateau completed
✅ unlocked at 9/9/2021, 8:05:39 PM
30 Gamerscore
Plains MasterPlains Master
Malaha Plain completed
✅ unlocked at 9/8/2021, 10:18:21 AM
30 Gamerscore
Valley MasterValley Master
Sag'Ya Valley completed
✅ unlocked at 9/9/2021, 8:51:34 PM
40 Gamerscore
Lake MasterLake Master
Lake Ober completed
✅ unlocked at 9/12/2021, 3:57:30 AM
40 Gamerscore
Canyon MasterCanyon Master
Cavulta Canyon completed
✅ unlocked at 9/13/2021, 2:20:16 AM
50 Gamerscore
Desert MasterDesert Master
Unkh-Tuur Desert completed
✅ unlocked at 9/13/2021, 6:57:52 AM
50 Gamerscore
Mesa MasterMesa Master
Yeccaph Mesa completed
✅ unlocked at 9/14/2021, 2:09:23 AM
60 Gamerscore
Heights MasterHeights Master
Pulyang Heights completed
✅ unlocked at 9/14/2021, 9:32:20 PM
60 Gamerscore
Cliff MasterCliff Master
Fluamao Cliffs completed
✅ unlocked at 9/14/2021, 10:16:26 PM
60 Gamerscore
The AscendantThe Ascendant
Finished Omno with all areas completed
✅ unlocked at 9/14/2021, 10:29:38 PM
100 Gamerscore
The InitiateThe Initiate
Rode the First Legendary Animal
✅ unlocked at 9/2/2021, 5:02:41 PM
20 Gamerscore
The ApprenticeThe Apprentice
Rode the Second Legendary Animal
✅ unlocked at 9/3/2021, 4:59:44 PM
30 Gamerscore
The DiscipleThe Disciple
Rode the Third Legendary Animal
✅ unlocked at 9/9/2021, 8:57:56 PM
40 Gamerscore
The AdeptThe Adept
Rode the Fourth Legendary Animal
✅ unlocked at 9/13/2021, 2:28:48 AM
50 Gamerscore
The ExaltedThe Exalted
Rode the Fifth Legendary Animal
✅ unlocked at 9/14/2021, 9:46:11 PM
60 Gamerscore
Walked through water for 20 seconds
✅ unlocked at 9/2/2021, 4:57:12 PM
50 Gamerscore
Aggression managementAggression management
Stomped a Lapicrab 5 times
✅ unlocked at 9/2/2021, 5:08:09 PM
50 Gamerscore
Surfed with Scipuins for 30 seconds
✅ unlocked at 9/9/2021, 8:59:45 PM
50 Gamerscore
Gathered 3 Caloobs around you at once
✅ unlocked at 9/13/2021, 1:48:36 AM
50 Gamerscore
Ground is lavaGround is lava
Kept an Astendeon airborne for 10 seconds
✅ unlocked at 9/14/2021, 1:58:25 AM
50 Gamerscore
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