5 / 36 🏆
30 / 765 points
icon | info | score |
Pop-n-Drop Crouch-sprinted between cover objects ✅ unlocked at 10/16/2017, 6:13:26 PM | 5 | |
Purple Heart Recovered full health after being in verge of death state ✅ unlocked at 10/19/2017, 4:11:58 PM | 10 | |
Jump Training Completed Jump Training ✅ unlocked at 10/16/2017, 6:09:45 PM | 5 | |
Go Go Go! Got pushed out of the plane | 5 | |
Greased Landing Touched down with a greased landing ✅ unlocked at 10/16/2017, 6:08:23 PM | 5 | |
MP - Purple Heart Recovered full health after being in verge of death state | 10 | |
Flared Landing Touched down with a flared landing ✅ unlocked at 10/16/2017, 6:21:55 PM | 5 | |
Death From Above Killed an enemy with a melee kick | 10 | |
Shoot to Kill Killed an enemy while moving in iron sights | 10 | |
In Yer Face! Killed an enemy by kicking a grenade at him | 20 | |
Homerun! Killed an enemy using sprint-melee | 10 | |
Weapon Handler Fully upgraded one weapon | 25 | |
Village of Adanti Completed Operation Husky | 15 | |
5-in-a-row! Earned a 5-in-a-row | 20 | |
Tick-tick-BOOM! Killed three enemies with a cooked grenade | 20 | |
MP - EAM Campaign Medal Played every map at least once in a ranked match | 25 | |
MP - Legion of Merit Got over 10 Objective Points in a ranked match | 20 | |
MP - Presidential Unit Citation Got 20 Team Points in a ranked match | 30 | |
MP - Meritorious Unit Citation Got 10 Team Points in a ranked match | 20 | |
Weapon Master Fully upgraded all weapons | 75 | |
Complete on Casual Completed the game on Casual difficulty | 25 | |
Cheat Death Completed any operation without dying | 20 | |
Weapon Specialist Fully upgraded five weapons | 50 | |
MP - Human Flak Gun Killed an enemy player with a grenade while he was parachuting | 5 | |
MP - Combat Infantryman Badge Killed an enemy player while he was parachuting | 10 | |
MP - Paratrooper's Badge Killed an enemy with a melee kick | 10 | |
MP - Pistol Whip Killed an enemy with a pistol melee attack | 10 | |
Complete on Normal Completed the game on Normal difficulty | 50 | |
Der Flakturm Completed Der Flakturm | 40 | |
War Machine Completed Operation Varsity | 35 | |
Nijmegen Bridge Completed Operation Market Garden | 30 | |
D-Day in Reverse Completed Operation Neptune | 25 | |
Paestum Ruins Completed Operation Avalanche | 20 | |
Master Parachutist Discovered all skill drop locations in the game | 40 | |
Jump Master Discovered one skill drop location in each mission | 25 | |
Crack Shot Got 10 headshots in a row | 25 |