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Ultimate Fishing Simulator Progress

Ultimate Fishing Simulatormore about Ultimate Fishing Simulator
1.0% complete

1 / 65 🏆
10 / 1000 points

Fish basket SFish basket S
Amount of caught fish: 50
10 Gamerscore
Fish basket MFish basket M
Amount of caught fish: 250
30 Gamerscore
Fish basket LFish basket L
Amount of caught fish: 1000
60 Gamerscore
Fish basket XLFish basket XL
Amount of caught fish: 5000
130 Gamerscore
Reach level: 3
30 Gamerscore
Reach level: 10
60 Gamerscore
Reach level: 20
100 Gamerscore
Rainbow TroutRainbow Trout
Catch: Rainbow Trout
10 Gamerscore
Brown TroutBrown Trout
Catch: Brown Trout
✅ unlocked at 7/28/2020, 2:32:22 PM
10 Gamerscore
Cutthroat TroutCutthroat Trout
Catch: Cutthroat Trout
10 Gamerscore
Brook TroutBrook Trout
Catch: Brook Trout
10 Gamerscore
Bull TroutBull Trout
Catch: Bull Trout
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Whitefish
10 Gamerscore
Black MarlinBlack Marlin
Catch: Black Marlin
10 Gamerscore
Blue MarlinBlue Marlin
Catch: Blue Marlin
10 Gamerscore
Striped MarlinStriped Marlin
Catch: Striped Marlin
10 Gamerscore
White MarlinWhite Marlin
Catch: White Marlin
10 Gamerscore
Striped BassStriped Bass
Catch: Striped Bass
10 Gamerscore
Largemouth BassLargemouth Bass
Catch: Largemouth Bass
10 Gamerscore
Black CrappieBlack Crappie
Catch: Black Crappie
10 Gamerscore
Smallmouth BassSmallmouth Bass
Catch: Smallmouth Bass
10 Gamerscore
Mirror CarpMirror Carp
Catch: Mirror Carp
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Bluegill
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Pike
10 Gamerscore
Crucian CarpCrucian Carp
Catch: Crucian Carp
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Bream
10 Gamerscore
Grass CarpGrass Carp
Catch: Grass Carp
10 Gamerscore
Channel CatfishChannel Catfish
Catch: Channel Catfish
10 Gamerscore
Baikal SturgeonBaikal Sturgeon
Catch: Baikal Sturgeon
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Chub
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Perch
10 Gamerscore
Rainbow RunnerRainbow Runner
Catch: Rainbow Runner
10 Gamerscore
Greater AmberjackGreater Amberjack
Catch: Greater Amberjack
10 Gamerscore
Baikal OmulBaikal Omul
Catch: Baikal Omul
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Roosterfish
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Zander
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Huchen
10 Gamerscore
Golden TroutGolden Trout
Catch: Golden Trout
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Walleye
10 Gamerscore
Tiger TroutTiger Trout
Catch: Tiger Trout
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Sauger
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Barbel
10 Gamerscore
Atlantic CodAtlantic Cod
Catch: Atlantic Cod
10 Gamerscore
Spotted BassSpotted Bass
Catch: Spotted Bass
10 Gamerscore
Greenland CodGreenland Cod
Catch: Greenland Cod
10 Gamerscore
Atlantic HalibutAtlantic Halibut
Catch: Atlantic Halibut
10 Gamerscore
Atlantic SalmonAtlantic Salmon
Catch: Atlantic Salmon
10 Gamerscore
Yellow PerchYellow Perch
Catch: Yellow Perch
10 Gamerscore
Greenland HalibutGreenland Halibut
Catch: Greenland Halibut
10 Gamerscore
Goblin SharkGoblin Shark
Catch: Goblin Shark
10 Gamerscore
Common NaseCommon Nase
Catch: Common Nase
10 Gamerscore
African TigerfishAfrican Tigerfish
Catch: African Tigerfish
10 Gamerscore
Vundu CatfishVundu Catfish
Catch: Vundu Catfish
10 Gamerscore
African CatfishAfrican Catfish
Catch: African Catfish
10 Gamerscore
Three-spot TilapiaThree-spot Tilapia
Catch: Three-spot Tilapia
10 Gamerscore
Deepwater RedfishDeepwater Redfish
Catch: Deepwater Redfish
10 Gamerscore
Greenland SharkGreenland Shark
Catch: Greenland Shark
10 Gamerscore
Red Breasted TilapiaRed Breasted Tilapia
Catch: Red Breasted Tilapia
10 Gamerscore
Kariba TilapiaKariba Tilapia
Catch: Kariba Tilapia
10 Gamerscore
Catch: Lumpfish
10 Gamerscore
Large-scaled YellowfishLarge-scaled Yellowfish
Catch: Large-scaled Yellowfish
10 Gamerscore
Fourhorned SculpinFourhorned Sculpin
Catch: Fourhorned Sculpin
10 Gamerscore
Atlantic WolffishAtlantic Wolffish
Catch: Atlantic Wolffish
10 Gamerscore
Electric CatfishElectric Catfish
Catch: Electric Catfish
10 Gamerscore
Purple LabeoPurple Labeo
Catch: Purple Labeo
10 Gamerscore
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