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Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess Progress

Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddessmore about Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess
1.0% complete

1 / 48 🏆
10 / 1000 points

Embark on the PathEmbark on the Path
Escape from the Seethe with the Maiden.
✅ unlocked at 7/20/2024, 2:27:41 PM
10 Gamerscore
Purify Myoko PassPurify Myoko Pass
Purge the defilement and recover Myoko Pass.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Kakeashi GrovePurify Kakeashi Grove
Purge the defilement and recover Kakeashi Grove.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Yuan CavernPurify Yuan Cavern
Purge the defilement and recover Yuan Cavern.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Enri VillagePurify Enri Village
Purge the defilement and recover Enri Village.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Okumiyama PassagePurify Okumiyama Passage
Purge the defilement and recover Okumiyama Passage.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Moegi RidgePurify Moegi Ridge
Purge the defilement and recover Moegi Ridge.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Yuminari LakePurify Yuminari Lake
Purge the defilement and recover Yuminari Lake.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Adashino VillagePurify Adashino Village
Purge the defilement and recover Adashino Village.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Muenzuka Burial GroundsPurify Muenzuka Burial Grounds
Purge the defilement and recover Muenzuka Burial Grounds.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Renge MarshPurify Renge Marsh
Purge the defilement and recover Renge Marsh.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Kamukura ShrinePurify Kamukura Shrine
Purge the defilement and recover Kamukura Shrine.
10 Gamerscore
Purify the Great Cherry Tree of NakaharaPurify the Great Cherry Tree of Nakahara
Purge the defilement and recover the Great Cherry Tree of Nakahara.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Korai ValleyPurify Korai Valley
Purge the defilement and recover Korai Valley.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Kiritake VillagePurify Kiritake Village
Purge the defilement and recover Kiritake Village.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Narusawa Wind CavesPurify Narusawa Wind Caves
Purge the defilement and recover the Narusawa Wind Caves.
10 Gamerscore
Purify Yamasuso LodgingPurify Yamasuso Lodging
Purge the defilement and recover Yamasuso Lodging.
10 Gamerscore
Purify the Great Shrine PassagePurify the Great Shrine Passage
Purge the defilement and recover the Great Shrine Passage.
10 Gamerscore
Defeat GakinyudoDefeat Gakinyudo
Defeat Gakinyudo.
10 Gamerscore
Defeat KamaitachiDefeat Kamaitachi
Defeat Kamaitachi.
10 Gamerscore
Defeat MukadejoroDefeat Mukadejoro
Defeat Mukadejoro.
10 Gamerscore
Defeat Tsurube-otoshiDefeat Tsurube-otoshi
Defeat Tsurube-otoshi.
10 Gamerscore
Defeat BatsuDefeat Batsu
Defeat Batsu.
10 Gamerscore
Defeat BupposoDefeat Bupposo
Defeat Bupposo.
10 Gamerscore
Defeat NotsugoDefeat Notsugo
Defeat Notsugo.
10 Gamerscore
Defeat RaikoboDefeat Raikobo
Defeat Raikobo.
10 Gamerscore
Defeat YatsukahagiDefeat Yatsukahagi
Defeat Yatsukahagi.
10 Gamerscore
Becoming the Spirit Stone MaidenBecoming the Spirit Stone Maiden
Defeat Nanamagari.
35 Gamerscore
Repeating HistoryRepeating History
Begin New Game+.
10 Gamerscore
The EndThe End
Defeat Cursed Soh.
65 Gamerscore
Come on in!Come on in!
Enter a tent for the first time.
10 Gamerscore
A Gathering of MastersA Gathering of Masters
Fully upgrade all roles.
35 Gamerscore
The True SohThe True Soh
Fully upgrade Soh's abilities.
35 Gamerscore
When You Wish Upon an EmaWhen You Wish Upon an Ema
Obtain all Ema Plaques.
10 Gamerscore
Mountain Goddess FolkloreMountain Goddess Folklore
Obtain all Emaki Scrolls and view them from the tent.
35 Gamerscore
A Blessing and a CurseA Blessing and a Curse
Complete a stage with 5 Mazo Talismans equipped.
10 Gamerscore
Complete a stage with 3 Tsuba Guards equipped.
10 Gamerscore
Sweet ShopSweet Shop
Obtain all sweets.
10 Gamerscore
Employment AgencyEmployment Agency
Assign every role to the villagers.
10 Gamerscore
Family Dis-FunctionFamily Dis-Function
Defeat 100 Seethe by using other Seethe attacks against them.
10 Gamerscore
Rags to RichesRags to Riches
Defeat Kagokaburi.
10 Gamerscore
Mountain WatchMountain Watch
Complete all objectives in every stage, including those in New Game+.
65 Gamerscore
The Little GiantThe Little Giant
Defeat all types of Seethe.
35 Gamerscore
Wisdom and CourageWisdom and Courage
Finish all boss fights up to the Great Shrine Passage within a total of 20 mins in one playthrough.
65 Gamerscore
Bit by BitBit by Bit
Consume a total of 100,000 crystals.
35 Gamerscore
Return to NatureReturn to Nature
Purge 200 wild animals of the defilement.
35 Gamerscore
Compassion for Living ThingsCompassion for Living Things
Interact with animals in the bases 20 times.
10 Gamerscore
Unlock all achievements.
190 Gamerscore
© 2024-2025 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).