22 / 31 🏆
540 / 865 points
icon | info | score |
BonusLevelsFinished All bonus levels finished. ✅ unlocked at 1/29/2009, 12:30:39 PM | 15 | |
Bow Expert 10 enemies shot in the head with the bow on Episode XV. ✅ unlocked at 1/29/2009, 10:08:21 AM | 30 | |
Duel Challenge finished Duel Challenge finished. ✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM | 20 | |
Story Mode finished Story Mode finished. ✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM | 60 | |
Young god 6 bullets dodged in duels. ✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM | 25 | |
Eagles Eye 10 enemies shot in the head with the sniper rifle in Episode XIV. ✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM | 30 | |
Fire Raiser 3 enemies killed using fire in Episode XIII. ✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM | 25 | |
Spider hunter 10 spiders killed using the whip in Episode XII. ✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM | 20 | |
Archeologist Episode XI finished in less than 10 minutes. ✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM | 25 | |
Horseman 7 enemies killed while in the saddle in Episode X. ✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM | 20 | |
Untouchable Episode IX finished without taking a scratch. ✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM | 40 | |
Accurate guy McLyde brothers killed with 2 bullets only in Episode VIII. ✅ unlocked at 1/25/2009, 3:51:38 PM | 25 | |
Slayer 6 enemies defeated using the whip in Episode VII. ✅ unlocked at 1/25/2009, 1:03:25 PM | 20 | |
Hatman 6 hats shot off from enemies' heads in Episode VI. ✅ unlocked at 1/25/2009, 12:15:49 PM | 25 | |
Religious man 44 enemies confused by reading the Bible. ✅ unlocked at 1/25/2009, 12:15:19 PM | 20 | |
Driver 5 enemies killed when driving the coal cart in Episode V. ✅ unlocked at 1/25/2009, 10:36:11 AM | 30 | |
Long distance A distance of 10 miles covered. ✅ unlocked at 1/25/2009, 9:58:45 AM | 20 | |
Archer 10 enemies killed using bow in Episode IV. ✅ unlocked at 1/25/2009, 9:44:46 AM | 20 | |
Fireworker 10 dynamites shot mid-air. ✅ unlocked at 1/24/2009, 6:18:45 PM | 25 | |
Gunfighter 10 enemies killed using Concentration Mode in Episode III. ✅ unlocked at 1/24/2009, 5:41:30 PM | 15 | |
Boxer 5 combos used when fighting looters in Episode II. ✅ unlocked at 1/24/2009, 5:12:03 PM | 20 | |
Thief Gun stolen from Jones without alarming in Episode I. ✅ unlocked at 1/24/2009, 4:11:16 PM | 10 | |
Westman Played for more than 24 hours. | 20 | |
Blind Killer Sniper: 5 enemies killed with the sniper rifle without using the scope. | 10 | |
Headhunter Sniper: 5 headshots scored in a row. | 20 | |
Killing Machine 20 enemies killed in Multiplayer without dying. | 50 | |
Rifle Expert Rifleman: 100% rifle efficiency for 10 shots. | 20 | |
Surefire hand Rifleman: 5 enemies shot using the rifle without reloading. | 20 | |
Very Hard Mode finished Story Mode finished on Very Hard difficulty level. | 100 | |
Bounty Hunter All Wanted posters found. | 40 | |
Gun Collector All bonus weapons found. | 45 |