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The Deer God Progress

The Deer Godmore about The Deer God
0.0% complete

0 / 29 🏆
0 / 1000 points

Train RiderTrain Rider
Ride on a train
25 Gamerscore
Deer BossDeer Boss
Beat all bosses.
50 Gamerscore
Tortoise MasterTortoise Master
Ride a tortoise through spikes.
25 Gamerscore
Family ManFamily Man
Raise 5 babies.
25 Gamerscore
Survive for 50 days.
50 Gamerscore
Long John SilverLong John Silver
Run for 50,000 meters.
50 Gamerscore
Hatch 3 falcons.
25 Gamerscore
Powers that BePowers that Be
Acquire all powers.
50 Gamerscore
Blessed SoulBlessed Soul
Get full light karma bar.
50 Gamerscore
Hungry JackHungry Jack
Eat 100 plants in one game.
25 Gamerscore
Eagle EyeEagle Eye
Kill the eagle.
25 Gamerscore
Treasure HunterTreasure Hunter
Find 10 treasure boxes.
25 Gamerscore
Farmer JoeFarmer Joe
Find 10 turnips.
50 Gamerscore
Jack of all TradesJack of all Trades
Use 3 items at the same time.
25 Gamerscore
All Grown UpAll Grown Up
Become an adult.
25 Gamerscore
Eat 25 mushrooms.
25 Gamerscore
Cow TipperCow Tipper
Kill 10 cows.
25 Gamerscore
Serial KillerSerial Killer
Get full dark karma bar.
50 Gamerscore
Kill 10 deer.
25 Gamerscore
Egg CollectorEgg Collector
Collect 25 eggs.
25 Gamerscore
Fox FireFox Fire
Kill 5 foxes with fire.
25 Gamerscore
Put em on IcePut em on Ice
Freeze 5 hunters.
25 Gamerscore
1 Upper1 Upper
Find 10 deer heads.
50 Gamerscore
Collect all relics.
25 Gamerscore
Stinky FeetStinky Feet
Collect 10 skunk cabbages.
25 Gamerscore
Goody Two ShoesGoody Two Shoes
Don't kill any creatures for 15 days.
25 Gamerscore
Become 3 different animals.
50 Gamerscore
Choose HumanChoose Human
Finished the game and became a human.
50 Gamerscore
Choose ElderChoose Elder
Finished the game and became an Elder.
50 Gamerscore

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