0 / 55 🏆
0 / 1250 points
icon | info | score |
Butcher You killed 50.000 monsters. | 10 | |
Jack of all trades You built 15 different traps on a single map. | 15 | |
Slayer of Slayers You killed 100.000 monsters. | 20 | |
Monster mash You summoned 250 monsters with summoning traps. | 10 | |
No pasaran! You built 250 tower traps. | 10 | |
Killing floor You built 250 ground traps. | 10 | |
That belongs in a museum! You found a Godlike item. | 10 | |
Jumper You have used the teleports 100 times. | 5 | |
Hephaestus You have fully upgraded a Godlike item. | 15 | |
Adapt or die You sold 20 traps. | 5 | |
Needful things You crafted 20 items. | 5 | |
Profit and fun You looted 500.000 gold. | 10 | |
Veteran hunter You have unlocked the Tier 3 skills. | 15 | |
Ascension You have reached level 50. | 25 | |
It's lonely up here You have reached level 100. | 50 | |
Death to the traps You completed a Tier 2 map without building a single trap as a Mercenary. | 25 | |
Can't touch this You completed a Tier 2 map without directly receiving any damage as a Sorceress. | 25 | |
What we do in the shadows You completed a Tier 2 map without directly damaging a single monster as a Marksman. | 25 | |
Threesome You have reached level 10 with a Sorceress, Mercenary and Marksman. | 30 | |
First steps You earned 2 stars on a Campaign map. | 5 | |
The longest journey You have completed every map in the Campaign. | 15 | |
Through thick and thin You have finished all Campaign maps on Tier 2. | 25 | |
Against all odds You have finished all Campaign maps on Tier 3. | 40 | |
Mission impossible You have finished all Campaign maps on Tier 4. | 50 | |
Starchaser You earned 50 Stars on the Campaign maps. | 20 | |
It's full of stars! You earned 100 Stars on the Campaign maps! | 40 | |
Hero of the Ink You earned 3 stars on every Campaign map on Tier 4. | 100 | |
Fast forward You completed a map with the maximum x2 speed. | 10 | |
Invincible You completed a maximum difficulty Scenario without dying. | 20 | |
The Red King You completed a Scenario with the 3 red challenges. | 10 | |
The Blue King You completed a Scenario with the 3 blue challenges. | 10 | |
The Purple King You completed a Scenario with the 3 purple challenges. | 10 | |
This time it's not personal You completed a Scenario. | 5 | |
Through fire and flames You completed every map in Scenario mode. | 20 | |
Nightmare Scenario You completed a Scenario map on difficulty 10. | 10 | |
Doomsday Scenario You completed a Scenario map on difficulty 20. | 20 | |
Conservative Plan You reached wave 20 in Endless without using any teleport. | 20 | |
Master gunner You reached wave 20 in Endless building only tower traps. | 20 | |
Devil's garden You reached wave 20 in Endless building only ground traps. | 20 | |
Nearing perfection You reached wave 30 in Endless. | 30 | |
Ink mastery You reached wave 20 on every map in Endless. | 50 | |
A good start You reached wave 10 in Endless without dying. | 10 | |
No Remorse You killed 25 bosses. | 20 | |
Hand in hand You have earned a star in the co-op mode. | 10 | |
Follow my lead You hosted a party and completed a map. | 10 | |
Heroes in the storm You reached wave 30 in Endless in a party. | 30 | |
Path of Glory You won 20 matches in Versus mode. | 20 | |
Loot and friendship You completed a difficulty 20 Scenario in a party. | 10 | |
Humbled You defeated the attacker player with an intact base in Versus mode. | 10 | |
Puppet master You possessed 50 monsters as the Attacker in Versus mode. | 10 | |
The Trapmaker's Apprentice Create a custom map with a minimum Strength of 10.000. | 50 | |
"Igor! Tonight we create something SPECIAL!" Create a custom monster with extra abilities. | 50 | |
Guardians of the Ink Finish a Strength 25.000 Custom map in coop with a friend. | 50 | |
Maker of Labyrinths Create a custom map that includes six valid waves and eight monster gates. | 50 | |
Labyrinth Runner Test a custom map for the first time. | 50 |