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World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap Progress

World of Van Helsing: Deathtrapmore about World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap
0.0% complete

0 / 55 🏆
0 / 1250 points

You killed 50.000 monsters.
10 Gamerscore
Jack of all tradesJack of all trades
You built 15 different traps on a single map.
15 Gamerscore
Slayer of SlayersSlayer of Slayers
You killed 100.000 monsters.
20 Gamerscore
Monster mashMonster mash
You summoned 250 monsters with summoning traps.
10 Gamerscore
No pasaran!No pasaran!
You built 250 tower traps.
10 Gamerscore
Killing floorKilling floor
You built 250 ground traps.
10 Gamerscore
That belongs in a museum!That belongs in a museum!
You found a Godlike item.
10 Gamerscore
You have used the teleports 100 times.
5 Gamerscore
You have fully upgraded a Godlike item.
15 Gamerscore
Adapt or dieAdapt or die
You sold 20 traps.
5 Gamerscore
Needful thingsNeedful things
You crafted 20 items.
5 Gamerscore
Profit and funProfit and fun
You looted 500.000 gold.
10 Gamerscore
Veteran hunterVeteran hunter
You have unlocked the Tier 3 skills.
15 Gamerscore
You have reached level 50.
25 Gamerscore
It's lonely up hereIt's lonely up here
You have reached level 100.
50 Gamerscore
Death to the trapsDeath to the traps
You completed a Tier 2 map without building a single trap as a Mercenary.
25 Gamerscore
Can't touch thisCan't touch this
You completed a Tier 2 map without directly receiving any damage as a Sorceress.
25 Gamerscore
What we do in the shadowsWhat we do in the shadows
You completed a Tier 2 map without directly damaging a single monster as a Marksman.
25 Gamerscore
You have reached level 10 with a Sorceress, Mercenary and Marksman.
30 Gamerscore
First stepsFirst steps
You earned 2 stars on a Campaign map.
5 Gamerscore
The longest journeyThe longest journey
You have completed every map in the Campaign.
15 Gamerscore
Through thick and thinThrough thick and thin
You have finished all Campaign maps on Tier 2.
25 Gamerscore
Against all oddsAgainst all odds
You have finished all Campaign maps on Tier 3.
40 Gamerscore
Mission impossibleMission impossible
You have finished all Campaign maps on Tier 4.
50 Gamerscore
You earned 50 Stars on the Campaign maps.
20 Gamerscore
It's full of stars!It's full of stars!
You earned 100 Stars on the Campaign maps!
40 Gamerscore
Hero of the InkHero of the Ink
You earned 3 stars on every Campaign map on Tier 4.
100 Gamerscore
Fast forwardFast forward
You completed a map with the maximum x2 speed.
10 Gamerscore
You completed a maximum difficulty Scenario without dying.
20 Gamerscore
The Red KingThe Red King
You completed a Scenario with the 3 red challenges.
10 Gamerscore
The Blue KingThe Blue King
You completed a Scenario with the 3 blue challenges.
10 Gamerscore
The Purple KingThe Purple King
You completed a Scenario with the 3 purple challenges.
10 Gamerscore
This time it's not personalThis time it's not personal
You completed a Scenario.
5 Gamerscore
Through fire and flamesThrough fire and flames
You completed every map in Scenario mode.
20 Gamerscore
Nightmare ScenarioNightmare Scenario
You completed a Scenario map on difficulty 10.
10 Gamerscore
Doomsday ScenarioDoomsday Scenario
You completed a Scenario map on difficulty 20.
20 Gamerscore
Conservative PlanConservative Plan
You reached wave 20 in Endless without using any teleport.
20 Gamerscore
Master gunnerMaster gunner
You reached wave 20 in Endless building only tower traps.
20 Gamerscore
Devil's gardenDevil's garden
You reached wave 20 in Endless building only ground traps.
20 Gamerscore
Nearing perfectionNearing perfection
You reached wave 30 in Endless.
30 Gamerscore
Ink masteryInk mastery
You reached wave 20 on every map in Endless.
50 Gamerscore
A good startA good start
You reached wave 10 in Endless without dying.
10 Gamerscore
No RemorseNo Remorse
You killed 25 bosses.
20 Gamerscore
Hand in handHand in hand
You have earned a star in the co-op mode.
10 Gamerscore
Follow my leadFollow my lead
You hosted a party and completed a map.
10 Gamerscore
Heroes in the stormHeroes in the storm
You reached wave 30 in Endless in a party.
30 Gamerscore
Path of GloryPath of Glory
You won 20 matches in Versus mode.
20 Gamerscore
Loot and friendshipLoot and friendship
You completed a difficulty 20 Scenario in a party.
10 Gamerscore
You defeated the attacker player with an intact base in Versus mode.
10 Gamerscore
Puppet masterPuppet master
You possessed 50 monsters as the Attacker in Versus mode.
10 Gamerscore
The Trapmaker's ApprenticeThe Trapmaker's Apprentice
Create a custom map with a minimum Strength of 10.000.
50 Gamerscore
"Igor! Tonight we create something SPECIAL!""Igor! Tonight we create something SPECIAL!"
Create a custom monster with extra abilities.
50 Gamerscore
Guardians of the InkGuardians of the Ink
Finish a Strength 25.000 Custom map in coop with a friend.
50 Gamerscore
Maker of LabyrinthsMaker of Labyrinths
Create a custom map that includes six valid waves and eight monster gates.
50 Gamerscore
Labyrinth RunnerLabyrinth Runner
Test a custom map for the first time.
50 Gamerscore

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