9 / 49 🏆
150 / 1000 points
icon | info | score |
Open Road Unlocked the Bus in Band World Tour ✅ unlocked at 1/1/2008, 9:23:52 AM | 20 | |
Killer Performance Five Starred a song on Easy, Medium, Hard or Expert ✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM | 10 | |
Got Wheels Unlocked the Van in Band World Tour ✅ unlocked at 1/1/2008, 4:09:14 AM | 20 | |
Axe Assassin Finished Guitar Solo Tour on Hard | 40 | |
Fret Ripper Finished Guitar Solo Tour on Medium ✅ unlocked at 4/10/2008, 7:53:58 PM | 30 | |
String Shredder Finished Guitar Solo Tour on Easy ✅ unlocked at 4/10/2008, 7:53:57 PM | 20 | |
Top Artist Unlocked an Arena in Solo Tour on Medium, Hard or Expert ✅ unlocked at 2/20/2008, 3:40:25 AM | 10 | |
Hot Artist Unlocked a Theater in Solo Tour on Easy, Medium, Hard or Expert ✅ unlocked at 2/4/2008, 8:33:04 PM | 10 | |
Breakthrough Act Unlocked a Big Club in Solo Tour on Easy, Medium, Hard or Expert ✅ unlocked at 1/26/2008, 10:14:09 AM | 10 | |
Riding on Coattails Played with a "Platinum Artist" | 5 | |
Hall of Fame Inductee Finished the Hall of Fame Induction in Band World Tour | 100 | |
Jet Setter Unlocked the Jet in Band World Tour ✅ unlocked at 2/7/2008, 7:56:07 PM | 20 | |
Heavy Hitter Finished Drum Solo Tour on Hard | 40 | |
Groove Technician Finished Drum Solo Tour on Medium | 30 | |
Rhythm Rocker Finished Drum Solo Tour on Easy | 20 | |
Big In NYC Finished the last remaining gig in New York (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Big In Boston Finished the last remaining gig in Boston (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Big In Rio de Janeiro Finished the last remaining gig in Rio de Janeiro (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Big In Reykjavik Finished the last remaining gig in Reykjavik (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Big In Chicago Finished the last remaining gig in Chicago (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Big In San Francisco Finished the last remaining gig in San Francisco (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Big In LA Finished the last remaining gig in Los Angeles (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Big In Seattle Finished the last remaining gig in Seattle (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Big In Sydney Finished the last remaining gig in Sydney (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Big In Japan Finished the last remaining gig in Tokyo (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Platinum Artist Finished the Endless Setlist in Band World Tour on Expert | 25 | |
Big In Rome Finished the last remaining gig in Rome (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Flawless Drumming Scored 100% notes hit as a drummer on Expert | 10 | |
Big In Stockholm Finished the last remaining gig in Stockholm (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Flawless Singing Scored a 100% rating as a vocalist on Expert | 10 | |
Virtuoso Finished Vocal Solo Tour on Expert | 50 | |
Lord of the Strings Finished Guitar Solo Tour on Expert | 50 | |
Big In Amsterdam Finished the last remaining gig in Amsterdam (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Crooner Finished Vocal Solo Tour on Hard | 40 | |
Big In Moscow Finished the last remaining gig in Moscow (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Gold Artist Finished the Endless Setlist in Band World Tour on Hard | 20 | |
Vinyl Artist Finished the Endless Setlist in Band World Tour on Medium | 10 | |
Big In Berlin Finished the last remaining gig in Berlin (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
One Million Fans Reached 1 million fans in Band World Tour | 10 | |
Big In Paris Finished the last remaining gig in Paris (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Big In London Finished the last remaining gig in London (Band World Tour) | 10 | |
Flawless Fretwork Scored 100% notes hit as a guitarist on Expert | 10 | |
Score Duel Champ Won 20 Score Duel ranked matches | 30 | |
Score Duel Streak Won 5 Score Duel ranked matches in a row | 20 | |
Tug of War Champ Won 20 Tug of War ranked matches | 30 | |
Tug of War Streak Won 5 Tug of War ranked matches in a row | 20 | |
Screamer Finished Vocal Solo Tour on Medium | 30 | |
Howler Finished Vocal Solo Tour on Easy | 20 | |
Flawless Groove Scored 100% notes hit as bassist, up-strums only, on Expert | 10 |