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Aliens: Fireteam Elite Progress

Aliens: Fireteam Elitemore about Aliens: Fireteam Elite
0.0% complete

0 / 46 🏆
0 / 1115 points

Priority OnePriority One
Finish the "Priority One" Campaign.
15 Gamerscore
Giants in the EarthGiants in the Earth
Finish the "Giants in the Earth" Campaign.
15 Gamerscore
The Gift of FireThe Gift of Fire
Finish the "Gift of Fire" Campaign.
15 Gamerscore
The Only Way to be SureThe Only Way to be Sure
Finish the "Only Way to be Sure" Campaign.
15 Gamerscore
Didn't Break a SweatDidn't Break a Sweat
Finish a mission on Intense Difficulty.
15 Gamerscore
A Stand Up FightA Stand Up Fight
Finish a mission on Extreme Difficulty.
15 Gamerscore
My Kind of CrazyMy Kind of Crazy
Finish a mission on Insane Difficulty.
35 Gamerscore
Expeditionary Service RibbonExpeditionary Service Ribbon
Finish all Campaigns on Standard Difficulty.
15 Gamerscore
LV-895 Service RibbonLV-895 Service Ribbon
Finish all Campaigns on Intense Difficulty.
15 Gamerscore
LV-895 Campaign MedalLV-895 Campaign Medal
Finish all Campaigns on Extreme Difficulty.
35 Gamerscore
Reticulum Theater MedalReticulum Theater Medal
Finish all Campaigns on Insane Difficulty.
50 Gamerscore
Returned 39 pieces of intel on a single character.
35 Gamerscore
Keen EyeKeen Eye
Open 50 hidden caches.
35 Gamerscore
Confidence CourseConfidence Course
Do a successful Challenge run.
15 Gamerscore
Overwhelming ConfidenceOverwhelming Confidence
Complete 25 successful Challenge runs.
35 Gamerscore
Level a Kit to Rank 8.
15 Gamerscore
Kitted OutKitted Out
Leveled five Kits to Rank 8 on a single character.
35 Gamerscore
A Personal Friend of MineA Personal Friend of Mine
Level a weapon to four stars.
15 Gamerscore
All My Personal FriendsAll My Personal Friends
Leveled 30 weapons to four stars on a single character.
50 Gamerscore
Fully RiggedFully Rigged
Fill every slot in a perk board.
35 Gamerscore
Glorified ToastersGlorified Toasters
Eliminate 1000 Synthetics.
15 Gamerscore
Anti-Mutation StationAnti-Mutation Station
Eliminate 300 Pathogen.
15 Gamerscore
It's a Bug HuntIt's a Bug Hunt
Eliminate 10000 Xenomorphs.
15 Gamerscore
Those Things Were HugeThose Things Were Huge
Eliminate 2000 elite enemies.
15 Gamerscore
Burn 'Em OutBurn 'Em Out
Kill 1000 enemies with fire.
15 Gamerscore
High VoltageHigh Voltage
Kill 1000 enemies with electricity.
15 Gamerscore
Nukes, Knives, AND Sharp SticksNukes, Knives, AND Sharp Sticks
Equip three attachments on a single weapon.
15 Gamerscore
State of the Art FirepowerState of the Art Firepower
Collected one attachment of every type on a single character.
15 Gamerscore
Ready for AnythingReady for Anything
Collected 25 attachments on a single character.
35 Gamerscore
Express YourselfExpress Yourself
Collected 20 emotes on a single character.
35 Gamerscore
It's a Cover, Not a HatIt's a Cover, Not a Hat
Collected 20 hats on a single character.
35 Gamerscore
Art GalleryArt Gallery
Collected 40 decals on a single character.
35 Gamerscore
It's Camouflage on Some PlanetIt's Camouflage on Some Planet
Collected 40 weapon colors on a single character.
35 Gamerscore
Fashion TeamFashion Team
Change your hat and outfit.
15 Gamerscore
Red Makes It Shoot FasterRed Makes It Shoot Faster
Equip a colorway and decal onto a gun.
15 Gamerscore
Tower DefenseTower Defense
Use 500 consumables.
15 Gamerscore
I Think They Like MeI Think They Like Me
Get grappled five times in the same mission.
15 Gamerscore
Supportive SquadSupportive Squad
Complete 50 missions without anyone being downed.
35 Gamerscore
Trigger DisciplineTrigger Discipline
Complete a mission on Intense Difficulty or above without anyone taking friendly fire damage.
35 Gamerscore
Got All I NeedGot All I Need
Complete a mission without using aid kits, ammo crates, or consumables.
15 Gamerscore
Improvised ExplosivesImprovised Explosives
Kill 50 enemies with explosive barrels or pods.
15 Gamerscore
Suturing ExpertSuturing Expert
Heal your fireteam with an aid kit 100 times.
35 Gamerscore
Promise of a FlowerPromise of a Flower
Finished the "Promise of a Flower" Campaign.
15 Gamerscore
CMISRS ResourceCMISRS Resource
Returned 48 pieces of intel on a single character.
35 Gamerscore
Pod PopperPod Popper
Destroyed 50 explosive spore pods with Weapons or Abilities.
15 Gamerscore
I Can't Lie About Your ChancesI Can't Lie About Your Chances
Finished a mission on Hardcore 10 Difficulty.
50 Gamerscore

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