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100.0% complete

24 / 24 🏆
400 / 400 points

No Sweat
Unlock all Personal Actions.
✅ unlocked at 8/4/2009, 1:39:43 AM
10 Gamerscore
Title Master
Collect all Titles.
✅ unlocked at 8/4/2009, 1:39:43 AM
50 Gamerscore
Icon Master
Collect all Icons.
✅ unlocked at 8/4/2009, 1:39:43 AM
50 Gamerscore
The World Warrior
Unlock all characters.
✅ unlocked at 8/4/2009, 1:39:43 AM
20 Gamerscore
Color Guard
Unlock all Colors.
✅ unlocked at 8/5/2009, 2:01:23 AM
10 Gamerscore
Taking On All Comers
Fight 10 opponents via fight requests.
✅ unlocked at 8/16/2009, 1:26:52 PM
10 Gamerscore
Create 10 multiplayer lobbies.
✅ unlocked at 8/16/2009, 1:01:51 PM
10 Gamerscore
Rapid Fighter
Clear NORMAL Time Attack in Challenge Mode.
✅ unlocked at 8/15/2009, 10:17:02 PM
10 Gamerscore
Super Combo Master
Perform 100 Super Combos.
✅ unlocked at 8/15/2009, 10:06:23 PM
10 Gamerscore
Super Combo Champion
Perform 50 Super Combo finishes.
✅ unlocked at 8/15/2009, 9:44:44 PM
10 Gamerscore
Ultra Combo Champion
Perform 50 Ultra Combo finishes.
✅ unlocked at 8/15/2009, 9:09:53 PM
10 Gamerscore
Save Your Quarters
Clear Arcade Mode without using a single continue on Medium or higher difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM
30 Gamerscore
World Champion
Clear Arcade Mode on Hardest difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM
30 Gamerscore
Ultra Combo Master
Perform 100 Ultra Combos.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM
10 Gamerscore
Crowd Pleasing Master
Perform 10 Personal Actions.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM
10 Gamerscore
Medal Collector
Collect 100 Medals.
✅ unlocked at 8/5/2009, 2:34:13 AM
10 Gamerscore
Way of the Fist
Win 5 Games for Windows – LIVE battles. (Ranked match or player match)
✅ unlocked at 8/5/2009, 2:20:03 AM
10 Gamerscore
Arcade Rat
Clear Arcade Mode with 1 character on Medium or higher difficulty.
✅ unlocked at 8/4/2009, 1:29:28 AM
20 Gamerscore
Simply Perfect
Achieve 10 Perfect victories.
✅ unlocked at 8/3/2009, 11:59:55 PM
10 Gamerscore
EX-cellent Master
Perform 100 EX Special Moves.
✅ unlocked at 8/3/2009, 6:42:12 PM
20 Gamerscore
All Dolled Up
Set your Title and Icon.
✅ unlocked at 8/3/2009, 6:26:26 PM
10 Gamerscore
Clear a Challenge in Challenge Mode.
✅ unlocked at 8/3/2009, 6:08:39 PM
10 Gamerscore
First Victory
Win 1 ranked match.
✅ unlocked at 8/2/2009, 10:22:03 PM
20 Gamerscore
Special Move Master
Perform 100 Special Moves.
✅ unlocked at 1/1/1753, 12:00:00 AM
10 Gamerscore
© 2024 smol farm. Game content copyright their respective owners. Built by Thorne (/u/ens0).