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Eternal Hope Progress

Eternal Hopemore about Eternal Hope
100.0% complete

29 / 29 🏆
1000 / 1000 points

Met the girl in the cliff.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 2:21:17 AM
30 Gamerscore
Saved by the hedgehog.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:43:13 AM
60 Gamerscore
The Story BeginsThe Story Begins
Started a new game.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 2:19:34 AM
90 Gamerscore
Creatures From the BeyondCreatures From the Beyond
Met your first An'mu.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 2:31:31 AM
70 Gamerscore
Saved your girlfriend from the Shadow World.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 5:39:22 AM
30 Gamerscore
All Muscle And No BrainAll Muscle And No Brain
Came face-to-face with a troll.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:37:40 AM
30 Gamerscore
A New FriendA New Friend
Saved the hedgehog.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 3:16:15 AM
30 Gamerscore
Malevolent IntentMalevolent Intent
Met the trickster.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:44:05 AM
30 Gamerscore
From the DepthFrom the Depth
Met the ancient turtle.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 3:12:11 AM
30 Gamerscore
Help from AboveHelp from Above
Befriended Heli.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 2:30:45 AM
30 Gamerscore
True IntentionsTrue Intentions
Saw Heli's true form.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 5:01:40 AM
30 Gamerscore
Met the Charon.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 5:04:04 AM
30 Gamerscore
The Dark ForestThe Dark Forest
Entered the Dark Forest.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 3:13:07 AM
30 Gamerscore
Ancient ruinsAncient ruins
Entered the Forgotten City.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:52:09 AM
30 Gamerscore
The Temple of SoulsThe Temple of Souls
Entered the Temple of Souls
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 5:05:29 AM
30 Gamerscore
There's HopeThere's Hope
Collected the first soul fragment.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 2:31:50 AM
30 Gamerscore
Corrupted SoulCorrupted Soul
Met your first Umbra.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:56:46 AM
30 Gamerscore
The RelentlessThe Relentless
Collected a relentless soul.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 2:55:36 AM
30 Gamerscore
End of an EraEnd of an Era
Destroyed Heliel's heart.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 5:36:18 AM
30 Gamerscore
Winged LightWinged Light
Met Heli.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 2:30:15 AM
30 Gamerscore
The AdventurousThe Adventurous
Collected an adventurous soul.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 2:36:23 AM
30 Gamerscore
The BraveThe Brave
Collected a brave soul.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 3:08:49 AM
30 Gamerscore
The HeroThe Hero
Collected a heroic soul.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 3:19:43 AM
30 Gamerscore
The CowardThe Coward
Collected a coward soul.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:19:53 AM
30 Gamerscore
The WeakThe Weak
Collected a weak soul.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:26:17 AM
30 Gamerscore
The PureThe Pure
Collected a pure soul.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:29:14 AM
30 Gamerscore
The LegendThe Legend
Collected a legendary soul.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:45:15 AM
30 Gamerscore
The CondemnedThe Condemned
Collected a condemned soul.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:48:09 AM
30 Gamerscore
The CorruptedThe Corrupted
Collected a corrupted soul.
✅ unlocked at 7/11/2022, 4:50:44 AM
30 Gamerscore
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