5 / 12 🏆
80 / 200 points
icon | info | score |
Winning Streak Win 10 hands in a row during a game session. | 20 | |
Poker Initiation Win 10 hands. ✅ unlocked at 8/24/2006, 4:38:22 AM | 10 | |
Lucky Day or Crafty Bluffer? Win with a High Card hand of 9 or less. ✅ unlocked at 8/25/2006, 3:21:48 AM | 25 | |
I'm All In! Win an 'All In' bet. ✅ unlocked at 8/24/2006, 4:27:41 AM | 10 | |
Luck of the Draw Get one of every type of hand from High Card to Royal Flush. | 10 | |
Poker King Successfully complete all of the scenarios in Single Player Scenario mode. | 15 | |
Millionaire Club Build one of your bankrolls up to $1,000,000. | 20 | |
Tournament Pro Enter and win a Competitive Tournament comprised of 8 players. ✅ unlocked at 8/27/2006, 1:52:49 AM | 20 | |
Tournament Expert Finish in 1st Place in all Single Player Tournaments. | 15 | |
Chunk of Change Build one of your bankrolls up to $100,000. | 15 | |
Gutsy Move Place a bet of $50,000 or more. Not valid in Scenario mode. ✅ unlocked at 8/25/2006, 6:29:12 AM | 15 | |
Card Shark Play 1,000 hands. | 25 |