11 / 11 🏆
535 / 535 points
icon | info | score |
Fast Start Score a goal in the first minute of play on All-Star difficulty or higher in a single-player game. ✅ unlocked at 11/30/2006, 8:54:59 PM | 50 | |
Can't Keep Me Down Score a goal when 2 men down on Pro difficulty or higher in a single-player game. ✅ unlocked at 11/30/2006, 8:54:59 PM | 50 | |
No Mercy! Win a game by 10 or more goals on Pro difficulty or higher in a single-player game. ✅ unlocked at 11/30/2006, 8:35:07 PM | 65 | |
Break Out Score a goal on a breakaway on Amateur difficulty or higher in a single-player game. ✅ unlocked at 11/30/2006, 6:53:10 PM | 10 | |
Starry Night Earn all 3 stars on Rookie difficulty or higher in a single-player game. ✅ unlocked at 11/30/2006, 6:41:56 PM | 10 | |
Miracle! Beat USSR 80 with USA 80 on Pro difficulty or higher in a single-player game. ✅ unlocked at 11/30/2006, 6:41:56 PM | 25 | |
Blueline Tally Score a goal with a defenseman on Pro difficulty or higher in a single-player game. ✅ unlocked at 11/30/2006, 6:41:55 PM | 25 | |
Dynasty Win 3 Stanley Cups in a row in Franchise on Pro difficulty or higher. ✅ unlocked at 11/29/2006, 9:12:46 PM | 100 | |
Dominance Win Stanley Cup and Presidents Trophy in the same year in Franchise on Pro difficulty or higher. ✅ unlocked at 11/29/2006, 9:12:46 PM | 75 | |
Brick Wall Record 5 consecutive shutouts in Franchise mode on Pro difficulty or higher. ✅ unlocked at 11/29/2006, 7:56:23 PM | 75 | |
Champions Win the Stanley Cup in Franchise on Pro difficulty or higher. ✅ unlocked at 11/29/2006, 4:53:42 PM | 50 |