2 / 94 🏆
10 / 1365 points
icon | info | score |
From the Depths Completed all Act 1 maps on any difficulty setting! | 5 | |
To the Rooftops Completed all Act 2 maps on any difficulty setting! | 5 | |
A Taste of Victory Completed all Act 3 maps on any difficulty setting! | 5 | |
Dungeon Crawler Completed all campaign maps on any difficulty setting! | 10 | |
The Belly of the Beast Completed all Act 1 maps on Hard! | 10 | |
The Body of the Beast Completed all Act 2 maps on Hard! | 10 | |
The Crown of the Beast Completed all Act 3 maps on Hard! | 10 | |
Dungeon Raider Completed all maps on Hard! | 15 | |
From Fire with Brimstone Completed all Act 1 maps on Insane! | 15 | |
Fever Dream Completed all Act 1 maps on Nightmare! | 20 | |
Heated Horror Completed all Act 1 maps on Massacre! | 25 | |
Through The Crowded Keep Completed all Act 2 maps on Insane! | 15 | |
Storm the Castle Completed all Act 2 maps on Nightmare! | 20 | |
Claim the Keep Completed all Act 2 maps on Massacre! | 25 | |
To the Lofty Summit Completed all Act 3 maps on Insane! | 15 | |
Fearful Peaks Completed all Act 3 maps on Nightmare! | 20 | |
Don't Look Down Completed all Act 3 maps on Massacre! | 25 | |
Dungeon Defender Completed all maps on Insane! Congratulations Brave Dungeon Defender! | 20 | |
Dreamy Defender Completed all maps on Nightmare! Congratulations Brave Dungeon Defender! | 25 | |
Glorious Defender Completed all maps on Massacre! Congratulations Brave Dungeon Defender! | 50 | |
Team Effort Completed all maps with 4 active players on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 10 | |
Where's The Blueprints Completed No Towers Allowed on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
88 Core Completed Warping Core on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Ella, Ella Completed Raining Goblins on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
In A Fowl Mood Completed Chicken on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Core Cardio Completed Moving Core on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Core Destroyer Completed Assault on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Gold Rush Completed Treasure Hunt on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Monster Mania Completed Death From Above on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Weapon Master Completed No Towers Allowed on Insane Difficulty! | 5 | |
Dancing in the Rain Completed Raining Goblins on Insane Difficulty! | 5 | |
Gold Blitz Completed Treasure Hunt on Insane Difficulty! | 5 | |
Monster Madness Completed Death From Above on Insane Difficulty! | 5 | |
No Towers, No Problem Completed No Towers Allowed on Nightmare Difficulty! | 10 | |
Goblins From Above Completed Raining Goblins on Nightmare Difficulty! | 10 | |
One Old One's Trash Completed Treasure Hunt on Nightmare Difficulty! | 10 | |
Monster Mayhem Completed Death From Above on Nightmare Difficulty! | 10 | |
Goblins Keep Falling On My Head Completed Raining Goblins on Massacre Difficulty! | 15 | |
You Are A Pirate Completed Treasure Hunt on Massacre Difficulty! | 15 | |
Monster Mash Completed Death From Above on Massacre Difficulty! | 15 | |
Defense is the Best Offense Reached Wave 10 on all levels in Pure Strategy on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Iron Man Reached Survival Wave 10 on Insane Difficulty! | 5 | |
Sandman Reached Survival Wave 10 on Nightmare! | 10 | |
Reaper Reached Survival Wave 10 on Massacre! | 15 | |
Survivalist Reached Survival Wave 15 on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Tough Guy Reached Survival Wave 15 on Hard Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Tougher Guy Reached Survival Wave 15 on Insane Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Toughest Guy Reached Survival Wave 15 on Nightmare Difficulty or higher! | 10 | |
Tough Incarnate Reached Survival Wave 15 on Massacre Difficulty or higher! | 15 | |
Thick Skin Reached Survival Wave 20 on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 10 | |
Calloused Reached Survival Wave 20 on Hard Difficulty or higher! | 10 | |
Armored Reached Survival Wave 20 on Insane Difficulty or higher! | 10 | |
Reinforced Reached Survival Wave 20 on Nightmare Difficulty or higher! | 20 | |
Fortified Reached Survival Wave 20 on Massacre Difficulty or higher! | 20 | |
Transcendent Survivalist You achieved Nightmare Survival Victory on every Campaign mission, and are thus rewarded! | 25 | |
Unbeatable Survivalist You achieved Massacre Survival Victory on every Campaign mission, and are thus rewarded! | 50 | |
Good Student Completed the Tutorial. You deserve a cookie! ✅ unlocked at 3/27/2021, 2:07:39 PM | 5 | |
Pupil Reached Hero Level 10! ✅ unlocked at 3/27/2021, 3:50:24 PM | 5 | |
Veteran Reached Hero Level 30! | 10 | |
Defender of Etheria Reached Hero Level 70! | 15 | |
Champion of Etheria Reached Hero Level 100! | 25 | |
Group Hug Raised the original four heroes to Level 100! | 100 | |
Master Banker Stored 15,000,000 Gold! | 10 | |
Invest In Yourself Stored 15,000,000,000 Gold! | 15 | |
Dusty Winds Completed Skyward Offensive on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Hop Scotch In The Sky Completed Skyward Offensive on Insane Difficulty! | 5 | |
Not Afraid of Heights Completed Skyward Offensive on Nightmare Difficulty! | 10 | |
Cloud Nine Completed Skyward Offensive on Massacre Difficulty! | 15 | |
It's A Long Fall Completed Skyward Revenge on Medium Difficulty or higher! | 5 | |
Sky Pirate Completed Skyward Revenge on Insane Difficulty! | 5 | |
Unidentified Flying Defender Completed Skyward Revenge on Nightmare Difficulty! | 10 | |
Captain of the Sky Completed Skyward Revenge on Massacre Difficulty! | 15 | |
Unstoppable Defender Completed all Challenges on Massacre Difficulty! | 25 | |
Over The River Completed all Act 4 maps on any difficulty setting! | 5 | |
Through the Woods Completed all Act 4 maps on Hard! | 10 | |
To The Keep We Go Completed all Act 4 maps on Insane! | 15 | |
Hungry Like The Wolf Completed all Act 4 maps on Nightmare! | 20 | |
Bark At The Moon Completed all Act 4 maps on Massacre! | 25 | |
Demon Novice Completed Test of the Demon I | 5 | |
Demon Veteran Completed Test of the Demon II | 10 | |
Demon Master Completed Test of the Demon III | 20 | |
Mech Novice Completed Test of the Mech I | 5 | |
Mech Veteran Completed Test of the Mech II | 10 | |
Mech Master Completed Test of the Mech III | 20 | |
Ancient Novice Completed Test of the Ancient I | 5 | |
Ancient Veteran Completed Test of the Ancient II | 10 | |
Ancient Master Completed Test of the Ancient III | 20 | |
Lycan Hunter Achieved Nightmare Survival Victory on every Act 4 mission! | 25 | |
Lycan Conqueror Achieved Massacre Survival Victory on every Act 4 mission! | 50 | |
Experienced I Reached Hero Level 105! | 25 | |
Teamwork I Raised a Hero of each type to Level 105! Including EV, Rogue and Warden! | 50 | |
Lycan Novice Completed Test of the Lycan I! | 5 | |
Lycan Veteran Completed Test of the Lycan II! | 10 | |
Lycan Master Completed Test of the Lycan III! | 20 |