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Killer Instinct Classic Progress

Killer Instinct Classicmore about Killer Instinct Classic
0.0% complete

0 / 30 🏆
0 / 1000 points

My First UltraMy First Ultra
You performed an Ultra!
20 Gamerscore
Mildly EmbarrassingMildly Embarrassing
You performed a humiliation!
20 Gamerscore
Support Your Local ArcadeSupport Your Local Arcade
You spent 400 credits!
40 Gamerscore
All Hail The Chief!All Hail The Chief!
You won 40 Matches with Chief Thunder.
20 Gamerscore
Blaze Of GloryBlaze Of Glory
You won 40 Matches with Cinder.
20 Gamerscore
You won 40 Matches with Fulgore.
20 Gamerscore
You won 40 Matches with Glacius.
20 Gamerscore
Tiger's FuryTiger's Fury
You won 40 Matches with Jago.
20 Gamerscore
Deadly GraceDeadly Grace
You won 40 Matches with Orchid.
20 Gamerscore
Jurassic BiteJurassic Bite
You won 40 Matches with Riptor.
20 Gamerscore
Feral StrengthFeral Strength
You won 40 Matches with Saberwulf.
20 Gamerscore
Ancient PowerAncient Power
You won 40 Matches with Spinal.
20 Gamerscore
Rapid JabsRapid Jabs
You won 40 Matches with TJ Combo.
20 Gamerscore
Monster MashMonster Mash
You got a Perfect in Arcade with Spinal, Riptor and Sabrewulf
20 Gamerscore
You defeated Eyedol with Chief Thunder
40 Gamerscore
You defeated Eyedol with Cinder
40 Gamerscore
Laser StormLaser Storm
You defeated Eyedol with Fulgore
40 Gamerscore
Cold ShoulderCold Shoulder
You defeated Eyedol with Glacius
40 Gamerscore
You defeated Eyedol with Jago
40 Gamerscore
You defeated Eyedol with Orchid
40 Gamerscore
You defeated Eyedol with Riptor
40 Gamerscore
You defeated Eyedol with Sabrewulf
40 Gamerscore
Power DevourPower Devour
You defeated Eyedol with Spinal
40 Gamerscore
You defeated Eyedol with TJ Combo
40 Gamerscore
Ultratech Employee Of The MonthUltratech Employee Of The Month
You defeated Eyedol with all characters
80 Gamerscore
You defeated Eyedol using only one credit
80 Gamerscore
You humiliated every character in the game
40 Gamerscore
Around The WorldAround The World
You performed an ultra with every character in the game
40 Gamerscore
Film CriticFilm Critic
You saw all victory animations and endings
40 Gamerscore
World TourWorld Tour
You won a match in every arena
20 Gamerscore
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